Remembering the past, looking toward the future...

McClintock, Harold Hugh

Service Branch: 
Awards and Medals: 

This information is from the book, "History of Tillman County (OK), Volume II", a 1978 publication of the Tillman county Historical Society and is used with their consent.

In an effort to include all Tillman County Vets, we add this name, Harold Hugh McClintock. This is based on an article on page 81 of publication.

"Harold Hugh McClintock joined the Marine Corps July 15, 1943, following his graduation from Davidson High School. He took Marine Corps "boot" camp training at San Diego, California.

Harold landed near Guam Asan Point with the first assault wave of the Third Marine Division.  He received wounds July 31 on the outskirts of the Agana and was awarded the Purple Heart.  His buddy was killed beside him, when five Japanese attacked with hand grenades."